Monday 25 February 2013


This semester, I'm assisting Judy Cockeram with her design 5 paper:



I just love Jack's line in Croupier - 'Hang on tightly, let go lightly.'

Sounds a little like drawing to me.

We've noticed that there doesn't appear to be a lot of really beautiful BIM extrapolated vector drawings out there. Not renders, but line weights so pretty that you'd want to hang them on your wall.

Can it be done?  BIM to lovely line drawings? I gave it a quick bash... Here's a selection of maquettes from my investigations into the the paper's title image.

Possibly a little too influenced by James Bond, no?

Maybe these aren't the most fantastic digital sketches but I'm happy to say it can be done and that it needs further work.  I'm sure Piranesi took a moment to work up his etchings.

So that's some of what we're going to be interested in this semester.  Beautiful drawings extracted directly from BIM models.  Wouldn't be nice to get something that illustrates Paul Klee's take on a drawing?

'A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.' - Paul Klee

Oh, and we quite like mobiles too...

Alexander Calder | Vertical Foliage 1941
original image courtesy 
Calder Foundation website


Wednesday 6 February 2013

card craft

We're excited, very excited.  

We have business cards.  

Here's how they came to be...

crafting the design:
Ben Ashley from benzine is the creative force behind our brand identity.
Working with the idiosyncrasies of our shared values + handwriting gently led us to here:  

crafting the card: 
Ben Ashley - 'Hi guys, how porno would you like to go on your cards?'
GOLD FOIL - courtesy of Bobby from DCB Pacific Foiling

crafting the card: 
Letterpress - Shona from Magpie Press 
Within a converted single garage studio and amongst at least 3 tonnes of decades old heavy machinery a beautifully intricate and tactile process took place impressing our cards (and us) with a physical imprint of our identity.

Many thanks to all those involved for their outstanding work and for indulging our obsessions  throughout the process.
